“Ukraine not only shares European values but also protects them at the cost of its own lives”, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze

06 March 2024, 14:10

The Chair of the Committee on Ukraine’s Integration into the EU Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze took part in а discussion on priorities of the common foreign, security and defence policy of the European Union, which took place within the framework of the Inter-Parliamentary Security Conference in the Belgian city of Bruges.

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze stated that Ukraine not only shares European values but also defends them at the cost of its own lives in response to Russia's unprovoked aggression. “Regarding common values, it is quite difficult to talk about any negotiating position with war criminals, who disregard basic principles of international and domestic law,” the Chair of the Committee noted. She added that the calls to find understanding between Ukraine and the aggressor state of the Russian Federation, heard in some places in the EU, indicate great naivety in the European Union. “We should be as honest as possible with ourselves and react to attempts of some EU countries to develop relations with Russia and Iran, despite their statements about common values. Actions are needed instead of waiting for them to establish further connections with North Korea. Otherwise, these differences will be used to increase dissension within the European Union, to undermine the EU's geostrategic capacity and security,” Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze emphasised.

At the same time, she noted serious tectonic changes in the policies of European countries in recent years and admitted that Ukraine highly appreciates them. The Chair of the Committee on Ukraine’s Integration into the EU also mentioned the effectiveness of the European Peace Fund. She asked Delphine Pronk, Chair of the Political and Security Committee of the EU and Deputy Political Director of the European External Action Service, whether the initiative of the EU High Representative Josep Borrell to strengthen this mechanism and to allocate specific funds for Ukraine will be supported. Delphine Pronk responded that this issue is being discussed at the level of the European Council by the member countries, but no decision has been made yet.