Hnivan conducts the energy modernisation with the European Union support

18 November 2020, 12:22

#AASuccessStories is a column about Ukrainians, who benefit from the Association Agreement with the EU and enjoy opportunities for cooperation with the European Union.

The project “Energy Efficient Hnivan — Energy Policy for Sustainable Development of Hnivan” is funded by the European Union under the EU4Energy initiative and the program “Covenant of Mayors — Demonstration Projects” and is implemented by Hnivan City Council in partnership with NGO “Euroregion Dniester”. The project started in May 2018. Its completion is scheduled for April 2021. The total budget is 970,913 euros. 757,312 euros are provuded by the European Union, the rest — by Hnivan City Council. This project is the largest in Vinnytsia region.

“Titanic work has preceded the realization of this project. We were the forth who joined the Covenant of Mayors initiative in Vinnytsia region in 2015. Then we worked on the development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for about two years. And only the implementation of all these steps allowed us to take part with this project, in 2017, in the competition of the European Commission and to win it. Then we were the only one who fulfilled all the conditions for participation in the competition from Vinnytsia region and became one of the 6 winners in Ukraine on a par with large regional centers”, — Hnivan Mayor Volodymyr Kuleshov says.

Within the framework of this large-scale project, four kindergartens of the city will be reconstructed and energy modernization of the apartment buildings will be carried out. Almost 5,000 residents (more than a third of the city's population) will receive warm and energy-efficient housing, and children will receive warm and renovated kindergartens.

What has already been implemented within the project as of today?

The construction works on thermal modernization of 2 kindergartens — No. 1 and No. 3 have already started. Builders are working on replacing the heating system, installing underfloor heating in game rooms, dismantling the old and installing a new roof, as well as levelling the exterior walls before insulation.
“Technical inspections of buildings, energy audits were performed, design and estimate documentation was developed, expertise and tenders were conducted before we started the reconstruction itself. At each stage, we worked not only within the framework of Ukrainian legislation, but also in accordance with the European standards in close cooperation with the Support Team and Austrian experts”, — project coordinator Eugene Tkach says.

In general, the following types of works are planned: replacement of heating and ventilation systems, installation of new energy-saving windows, wall insulation and partial replacement of structures, modernization of interior lighting, installation of outdoor lights with alternative energy sources. Thanks to this, about 350 kids and 100 staff of 4 preschools will be provided with comfortable conditions for the educational process.
It is expected that such energy efficiency measures will annually: reduce heat consumption by about 70% in each kindergarten, reduce CO2 emissions by a total of more than 200 tons, reduce the total costs for the local budget for energy by about 30 thousand euros.

“The goal of this project in Hnivan is not only comfortable conditions and energy savings, but also the reduction of negative impact on the environment and climate change. And it depends not only on budgetary institutions, but on all citizens and organizations of the city. Therefore, together with the thermal modernization of kindergartens, the project is conducting an active information and educational campaign among the residents of the community, an energy management system as well as the Municipal Energy Efficiency Fund will be created. In 2021, this Fund will finance energy efficiency modernization in apartment buildings by saving budget funds on energy for kindergartens”, — project communication expert Anastasia Lanova added.

The Covenant of Mayors is the world's largest movement for local climate and energy actions. Thanks to joining this initiative Hnivan made it possible to implement this huge energy efficiency project. The European Initiative the Covenant of Mayors brings together thousands of local authorities who have voluntarily committed themselves to achieving the EU’s climate and energy goals. The signatories undertake to take measures to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020 and 30% by 2030 and to develop a common approach to tackling climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Based on the materials of the website of the Hnivan United Territorial Community, the Vinnytsia Agency for Investigative Journalism and the Facebook page “Energy Efficient Hnivan — Energy Policy for Sustainable Development”.