All publications

07 October 2020
06 October 2020

 The Bureau of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee held an online informal meeting on 1 October 2020, few days ahead of the upcoming 22nd EU-Ukraine bilateral summit...

06 October 2020

#AASuccessStories today is about international assistance program Energodim, which allows to renovate old apartment buildings in Ukraine to improve their energy efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, as well as harmful effects on the environment...

06 October 2020

Its main achievements are signing of three important agreements between the EU and Ukraine, an agreement with the European Investment Bank to obtain a loan of 300 million euros, as well as assurances that “visa-free” regim...

05 October 2020

We have #AtThe CommitteeConsideration the draft law No. 3607, which proposes to legislate the functions of the business ombudsman in Ukraine...

02 October 2020

#AASuccessesStories column is about Ukrainians, who in practice implement the Association Agreement with the EU and enjoy opportunities for cooperation with the European Union...

28 September 2020
25 September 2020
Topic of great moment:

Parliamentary digest

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