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18 December 2023, 13:04

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze: “Thanks to Ukraine, the EU gets a new lease of life”

In a new video dedicated to the historic decision of the European Council to open negotiations with Ukraine on EU membership, the Chair of the Committee on Ukraine's Integration into the EU talks about Ukraine's next steps on the way to European integration, challenges and threats for Ukraine and global developments.

Commenting on the decision of the European Council, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze explained that the European Union, in this way, confirmed its commitment to the goal for which it was established. “Europe has dealt a blow to the belief of autocracies that they can buy and sell everything. A great victory of values over interests,” said the Chair of the Committee. However, Ukraine should not fall into euphoria. “The decision of the European Council should not create illusions that this is Orbán's last blackmail. Unfortunately, he is driven not only by his dependence on Moscow. Orbán is the main blackmailer of the European Union, who strives to preserve his power in Hungary – where not everyone is satisfied with him, – his influence in the EU and to prevent reforms and expansion of the Union,” said Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze. She believes that the Hungarian Prime Minister will use the opportunity to block Ukraine's entry into the EU more than once. But this should not stop or demotivate Ukraine. “It will be difficult, but tough negotiations or disagreements with Central European farmers and transporters are the same as they were with Western European ones before the EU expanded in 2004. This path is worth it,” said the Chair of the Committee.

Regarding the blackmail of Hungary, according to Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, the problem should be solved comprehensively. A fuse is needed for such a rudiment of autocracy in the EU, which extorts money from Brussels. The EU must change under the realities of the modern world. “We can be proud that, including thanks to Ukraine, the EU gets a new impetus in its development and a new lease of life. Now the ball is in our court and we face tough questions. How are we going to strengthen our institutions, reform them, ensure democracy, and most importantly, how are we going to defeat the enemy at the same time,” the Chair of the Committee emphasised.

She also insisted on the need for unity within Ukraine: “The time for emotions is over. Hope for a quick victory, unfortunately, too. We must prepare for a long war of attrition, in which the unity will ensure our resilience."

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze also noted that a long era of global turbulence begins. Someone calls it the third, someone the fourth – after the cold – world war. Therefore, Ukraine should do everything to avoid being the scene of these conflicts and to get the protection of NATO and the EU. “It is possible only with unity, self-honesty and hard work,” the Chair of the Committee concluded.